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Cation Membrane Variety Kit

Cation Membrane Variety Kit

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Product Description

CationMembrane Variety Kit

Product Code: 5041680

Our Cation Membrane Variety Kits consist of one10cm x 10cm piece of each of the following membranes:


Nafion Based Cation Exchange Membranes: Chemours'(formerly DuPont) Nafion membranes are non-reinforced films based on chemicallystabilized perfluorosulfonic acid/PTFE copolymer in the acid (H+) form. Thephysical properties remain the same for the chemically stabilized membranes,which exhibit substantially lower fluoride ion release compared to thenon-stabilized polymer a sign of improved chemical durability. Nafion PFSAmembranes are widely used for Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells andwater electrolyzers. The membrane performs as a separator and solid electrolytein a variety of electrochemical cells that require the membrane to selectivelytransport cations across the cell junction. The polymer is chemically resistantand durable.

Fumapem and Fumasep Based Cation ExchangeMembranes: FuMA-Tech is a leading company for functional membranes andplant technology and is a leading manufacturer of ion exchange membranes fordifferent electrochemical operations. Their modern coating plant producesporous, non-porous and functional membranes with excellent resistance to acids,bases, solvents and oxidation.



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