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Fumapem AM-40 - PBI Copolymer

Fumapem AM-40 - PBI Copolymer

Product Details:


Product Description

Product Code:5041632

FumapemAM-40 is a non-reinforcedPolybenzimidazole Copolymermembranedesigned for use in High-Temperature Proton Electrolyte Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFC).The polymer backbone for this HT-PEMFC membrane is categorized as a hydrocarbonpolymer material.

FumapemAM-40 membrane comes in either a 10cm x 10cm or 20cm x 30cm size sheet. Themembrane is the brown foil delivered in dry form.

Fumatechmembranes are highly sensitive to differences in humidity and moisture content.Therefore the membranes can vary +/- 0.5cm from the original cut sizes. Alsodue to this sensitivity the manufacturer expects wrinkles to form, howeversoaking the membranes in deionized water will return the membranes to the fullsize planar state according to the manufacturer.

FumapemAM-40 Features:

Applications:High-Temperature PEM Fuel Cell (HT-PEMFC).
Thickness: 40 micrometers (1.57 mil)
Sizes: 10cm x 10cm, 20cm x 30cm


Keep membrane package closed / sealed when unused. Store,handle and process the membrane in a clean and dust-free area. Use only new andsharp knives or blades, when cutting the membrane. Always wear protectivegloves when handling the membrane. Handle with care, be sure not to puncture,crease or scratch the membrane, otherwise leaks will occur. All surfaces incontact with the membrane during handling, inspection, storage and mountingmust be smooth and free of sharp projections.

Doping with Phosphoric AcidRecommendation:

Put the membrane sample in 85 wt % H3PO4 at temperaturesbetween 90C and 160C for at least 1 hour. Membranes must be covered byphosphoric acid. Membranes will expand when subject to doping process.

If you have any concerns about storage, chemicalstability, pre-treatment or before proceeding, please feel free to contact usfor further information.

Long Term Storage:

The membrane can be stored dry for anunlimited amount of time. However, the membrane has to be conditioned (washedand rinsed) prior to use.

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