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Porex PM21M

Porex PM21M

Product Details:


Product Description

Brand: PorexCorporation
Product Code: 150817

Porex is amicro-expanded PTFE product that allows gasses to permeate but has a highbarrier for liquid water. Porex can be used in instances where gas permeationis desired, but liquid is not. This material is perfect for vents, gas/liquidseparation membranes, etc. It is not a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) materiallike Nafion and is a non-conductive insulator.

The evolution of thebattery to more energy-dense, rapid-charging systems has brought new uses forporous materials such as membranes, separators, catalytic support, and fuelcell membranes. Battery systems can still expand with heat and contract duringnormal use, so numerous venting configurations are offered to equalize batterypressure and to allow heat flow. Advanced electrode materials, diffusionbarriers, and electrolyte carriers are also available to optimize performancein a variety of battery and fuel cell configurations.

Porex Microporous PTFE Breathable MembranesOffer:

 High water intrusion pressure resistance

High temperature use

High tensile strength

IP 65, 66, 67 & 68 ratings

UL-94 V-0 rating @ 0.1 mm, 5VA rated @ 0.75 mm

UL 746C rated


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