Brand: H-TECEducation
Product Code: 1071023
H-TEC's Electrolyzer 230 is a seven-cell PEM electrolyserstack with water storage tank mounted on a black base plate, for the productionof hydrogen. The water required for electrolysis is supplied from belowthrough a distribution pipe. The oxygen generated escapes through thewater tank. The Hydrogen produced is collected through a connecting pipe,and is delivered to the hydrogen outlet.
There are seven cells within the Electrolyzer 230, eachwith an electrode area of 16cm2.
The electrolyzer provided in this set ismaintenance-free. However, always remember to use fresh, distilled watereach time and to drain the water from the storage tanks after use.
Hydrogen ProductionRate: 230 cm3/min
Oxygen Production Rate: 115 cm3/min
Hydrogen Storage Volume: 80 cm3/min
Oxygen Storage Volume: 40 cm3/min
Power Consumption: 65 Watts at 14 VDC
Permissible Operating Voltage: 0 - 14 VDC
Permissible Operating Current: 0 - 4.7 A
Permissible Operating Pressure: 0 - 5 mbar
Electrode Area: 7 cells at 16cm2 each
Operating Medium: Distilled Water
Dimensions (H x W x D): 9.9" x 13" x 7.9" (250 x 330 x 200 mm)
Weight: 4.1 pounds (1,850 g)
About PEM Electrolyzers
The growing significance of PEM electrolyzers mirrors thedevelopment of fuel cells. Electrolyzers generate the hydrogen required by fuelcells from water in an environmentally conscious manner. The electricalenergy required for this purpose can be gained from renewable sources such assolar cells, wind farms or hydroelectric plants.
Water reacts in the electrolyzerunder the influence of electrical energy according to the following formula: 2H2O= 2H2 + O2. This process takes place in theMEA (membrane electrode assembly). The MEA consists of the cathode, theanode, and a special polymer membrane (PEM) which is permeable to protons butwhich presents a barrier to electrons. Your h-tec electrolyzer functionson the PEM principle. The gases produced can be collected in storagetanks. The energy stored in chemical form in the gases can be convertedback to electrical energy in a fuel cell as and when required.
We have different configuration products for the same. Please you can directly call us to Dr. Arup: 8452810712.
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